Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Prep day

I am ADD at the best of times. Now, the day before I have to cater this event, my attention has gone AWOL. I have planned meticulously, but I can't concentrate on anything I need to do... hence waking up at 5am to test my pastry recipes, and now I'm sitting here on my blog. I need a routine smack every ten minutes to snap me out of it... hey, if you have my cell number, send me a message won't you? Just say "your pastry is going to burn!" or maybe "don't overcook the chicken!", or if you're feeling a little Gordon Ramsay-ish, "wake up you donkey!!".

If you don't have my number I'm not going to put it up here. The 40 minute blog viewer may have alterior motives (and no it's not my mom, it's an actual person who I don't know and is not even in PE). Then again, those motives may be to come help me make 50 miniature steak and Guiness pies. 

See how I procrastinate? This should have ended at the first paragraph, but woops, we're on paragraph number three. And you're probably still reading, because you like to procrastinate too. Hell, why not go onto Facebook after this? You never know who is sharing overly personal issues or trying exceptionally hard to appear mysterious and deep when it's blatantly obvious what they're trying to say and to whom. It's a great way to feel better about yourself. You know what's even better than Facebook? My blog. That's why I'm still on it. And you are too.

But now I really have to go. Goodbyes suck don't they? Don't worry, I'll see you tomorrow xxxx

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