Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Beer Box Cake

There's something really nostalgic about those great big slabs of cake you would take to school on your birthday; fighting over who got the last square of chocolate, and who got the ones with the blob of caramel. I haven't had a beer box cake in AGES! Sure, I'd love to be able to whip up a seven tier birthday cake coated in edible gold and modelled on the Burj Al Arab- but it still wouldn't taste as good as the memories of your whole class singing 'Happy Birthday' with icing covered faces.

Since I'm on the brink of becoming an aunty, I reckon it's pretty important I start practising these kiddie staples.Thanks to Yuppiechef's online magazine, Spatula, I managed to find a great recipe for this classic here; I tested this for the 'Happy Birthday to YOU' post, and it was delicious! Moist, rich, chocolately and HUGE- what more could you want from a birthday cake??

Here's a quick guide to making it, but be sure to check out the link (and the rest of the site) for some awesome tips and other recipes!

First you beat together 8 eggs (yes 8, it's a cake for giants) and caster sugar:

Then you fold in flour and 6 teaspoons of baking powder (again, cake for GIANTS):

Then you boil water, cocoa and oil:

Then mix it all together to make one delicious, ginourmous batter!

Get a good old South African beer box. It is advised to not attempt making this cake after drinking contents of said box. Cover with foil:

Bake at 180 degrees; the recipe says for 30min, but mine took close on an hour. Take it out, either ice straight away so some of the icing soaks into the cake, or wait for it to cool and pipe the icing on. I like mine slathered on straight away when it's chocolate :) decorate, slice into squares, and feed to many many people... or one GIANT CHOCOLATE MONSTER!

Mmmmmmm :)

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