Thursday, November 17, 2011

And we're in business!

My first ever catering job was fantastic! I may not be able to feel my feet, and I am in serious need of sleep, but it was all worth it :) everything looked great, and thankfully, tasted good too, according to my new fans. It seems I may have some more jobs on the way, I'm regretting not having made business cards before the event but luckily the party was hosted at our pub so everyone knows where to find me (considering I spend a large portion of my time trying to run the place). Who knows, maybe I can convert the pub into a deli one day! My worry is that without the booze, they may not call me 'Master Chef South Africa' any more... I kinda enjoyed that nickname last night :( who cares if it was inspired by several whiskies and is not that accurate :P

The birthday boy owns a second-hand book store in the complex, so I used a whole bunch of Cinema magazines from the 70s to line the food table, and tried to keep the whole booky theme going... I don't know if it worked :/ but here are some pictures from the events, they're not the best quality since I didn't have much time, but I'm pretty chuffed with it all :D I know it doesn't look like much, but there was food to feed a freaking army!

better than KFC, double coating, baked, and low in fat ;)

The basic cheese, crackers and crudites- always my favourite, but always picked last but everyone else :(


Really mini lemon meringue cups with a soft, gooey and delicious meringue

And the star of the show....

1 comment:

Gail Gerbode said...

Wow - pretty impressive start. I need the ginger sweet potato recipe!