Saturday, November 12, 2011

I'm a big girl now!

It's official, I am a caterer! I may not have a omelette station, or fancy cooking equipment, or a chef's jacket (well except a pretty pink one that says 'Baker Lauren' that my mom got me... for my 21st birthday), but I have a job, to cater, for an event, for actual people :D And it's in 4 days time :/

Perhaps it's not the smartest thing to start with a job for 50 people, and endeavour to make everything completely from scratch- but hey, I've never been one to do anything small, and I'm a perfectionist, they wouldn't be home-made pies if the pastry wasn't made at home, now would they? Then again, they're probably going to be so boozed that they won't know if they're eating vegetables or meat... but yeah, this is totally a professional job!

So the countdown begins! Join me in my temporary insanity of catering solo :) 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woop woop! Well done Minnie! I'll be on the lookout for your updates xxx