Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Decadent Custard

Food is filled with memories, and one of my most nostalgic foods is Woolworths fresh custard; I remember eating it from the tub when I was a child, sneaky spoonful after spoonful when no one was looking, when I was a teenager it provided comfort for all ailments and illnesses, and when I was a student it was a favourite surprise to find in a bag of Woolies goodies delivered to the desolate Grahamstown by my loving mother.

Despite all this, I've always felt a tad guilty for never making my own fresh custard. So recently I whipped up my first ever batch, and honest to God it tastes just like Woolworths, it's crazy easy to make, and it evokes all the feel-good memories that should never be separated from your custard experience. 

4 egg yolks
1/3 cup caster sugar
1 tablespoon corn flour
1 cup full cream milk
1 cup cream
vanilla pod/extract/essence

Place the milk, cream and vanilla into a medium saucepan and bring to a gentle simmer.

Meanwhile, beat the egg yolks, sugar and corn flour until pale.

(PS how awesome is my chicken cup?? :D ) 

Before the cream and milk mixture reaches boiling point, remove from the heat, and discard your vanilla pod if using. Stream the hot milk mixture into the egg mixture while beating continuously.

Return the custard to the pot and simmer over a low heat, whisking continuously until thick and creamy, and coats the back of a spoon.

Leave to cool slightly, place in a container and cover closely with cling film (to prevent a skin forming) until ready to use.

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